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Research Guide for Spanish IV debates

Environmental Debates

Tú tendrás que presentar y defender un lado de este debate, usando ejemplos de las fuentes que hemos estudiado durante esta unidad.


 Lado A (afirmativo): Quitar las materias primas de la selva es necesario para el desarrollo humano.

 Lado B (negativo): No se debe quitar materias primas de la selva sino preservarla para generaciones futuras.



You will work with your entire team to craft a Google doc with all the arguments, facts, and data supporting your assigned point of view, as well as anticipate potential rebuttals from your opponents.  The debate will occur in 5 or 6 stages in class, with all team members participating at each stage.  Each stage will consist of one student chosen at random from each side presenting the steps below, with all teammates listening and helping the speaker choose their rebuttals.  Each side should prepare enough sources and rebuttals for 5-6 stages, because concepts and sources cannot be repeated.  Each student will be graded individually.


Before you dive into your resources, think about what you want to look for:

  • Which resources are taken from the jungle? Why?
  • How are the resources used?
  • Does another industry take over the land?
  • Who benefits economically? Culturally? Environmentally?
  • And most importantly... What will my opposition say? What evidence specifically refutes their argument?

In a debate, you must anticipate the other point of view. Be sure to do enough research on BOTH sides, so that you are able to form a strong argument for your team.

As with any resource, pay careful attention to where you look on the web. Make sure your sources are current and are from an individual author or group with authority on the subject. If you are unsure of the validity of an article or page on the internet, check for citations. This will help you verify their information.

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Amy Matlack
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