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MS 8 Labor Inquiry Project: Home

Essential Questions

How has the experience of American Workers changed since the start of the Gilded Age?(1870 - 1920)

How has the labor experience of a particular group of people been shaped by identity?

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PBS Intro to Gilded Age (Youtube) 

Labor Issues to Browse from Georgetown University

Britannica Launchpacks under "Labor"

Current Information - click on Gale's Newspapers

Workers Unite! Click to browse for topics in ABC- CLIO 

American Business: Click to browse for topics in ABC- CLIO

Introduction to Labor Unions in American History

American Experience: The Gilded Age Intro to the Gilded Age with Links


  1. Booker T Washington Education of African Americans

  2. Jane Addams Social Work Movement 

  3. WEB Du Bois African American Civil Rights 

  4. Sherman Antitrust Act 1890 & Clayton Antitrust Act 1914

  5. Pure Food and Drug Act 1906 and 1911 & Meat Inspection Act 1906  

  6. Department of Labor 1913 

  7. Federal Reserve Act 1913

  8. 16th Amendment 1913

  9. 17th Amendment 1913 

  10. Keating Owen Act 1916 

  11. 18th Amendment 1919 

  12. 19th Amendment 

  13.  Haymarket Riot 1886 

  14. Homestead Strike 

  15. Ludlow Massacre 

  16. Pullman Strike 

  17. Plessy vs. Ferguson 

  18. Thomas Nast

  19. Lincoln Austin Steffens

  20. J.P. Morgan 

  21. Andrew Carnegie 

  22. JD Rockefeller

  23. Boss Tweed 

  24. Cornelius Vanderbilt 

  25. Wayne Bidwell Wheeler 

  26. Eugene Debs 

  27. Carry Nation

  28. Samuel Gompers 

  29.  A. Philip Randolph

  30. Lucy Randolph Mason

  31. Mother Jones

  32. Ida Tarbell 

  33. Jacob Riis

  34. Ida B. Wells

  35. Mary Church Terrell 

  36. Atlanta's Washerwomen Strike

  37. 1909 McKees Rocks strike

  38. 1912 Lawrence textile strike

  39. The Steel Strike of 1919

  40. The Adamson Act

Gilded Age PBS

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Museums and Exhibitions

Identity and Work: Child Labor Collections

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