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US 10th Grade Research Project


IDENTIFY artifacts.

Select three artifacts (poem, short story, play, film, speech, song, painting, building or other item that relates to a significant cultural or historic theme in America) to explore. You will conference with your teacher for guidance, and you must get parental approval for your chosen artifact.

Final artifact choice is due April 15.



EXPLORE your options.

Before selecting your final artifact, you should do some preliminary research. This is important for a few reasons:

  1. You may discover something about an artifact that surprises or interests you
  2. You will be able to see the range of sources available:
    • Are they too few results? Too many?
    • Are your results from reputable resources?
  3. You can get accustomed to searching before having to start your deep research

Library Resources

PDS provides access to various databases that can help your initial research. Start by exploring some tertiary sources in the databases below to see what kind of information is available about topics that interest you. 


Additional Sources

You may use additional sources for your project, such as webpages. However, it is important to evaluate these sources before deciding whether or not to use them to guide your decision. Think critically about the sites you see: What types of authors and/or organizations are responsible for publishing the information? Does the information exist in other places? How current is the source? How relevant is it to your topic?

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